


Das folgende Projekt ist mir vom den Architekten Aristide Antonas persönlich vorgestellt wurden. Es ist zwar eine Studie, passt aber recht gut in den Themenbereich Wohnen. Das Projekt vereint zwei Grundgedanken. Zum einen wird das Thema normadisches Wohnen aufgegriffen, zum anderen geht es um Ressourcen und Wasser.  Herausgekommen ist die Idee eine Wohnraum auf einen Autokran zu pflanzen und so eine nicht nur in horizantaler Richtung bewegliche Wohneinheit zu schaffen.

Das interessante Projekt entstand 2009 im Büro ANTONAS OFFICE aus Griechenland in Zusammenarbeit mit Katerina Koutsogianni. Ich könnte jetzt noch mehr über das Proejkt schrieben, da ich alle Informationen aber von Aristide Antonas habe, kann ich ihn auch gleich selber zu Wort kommen lassen. Der Text ist in Englisch verfasst, was meine Internationalen Leser freuen und meine deutschsprachigen hoffentlich nicht all zu sehr stören wird. In diesem Zusammenhang möchte ich auch mal darauf hinweisen, das archimag.de über den Translator-Bereich rechts in der Seitenleiste in einige Sprachen übersetzt werden kann.

Das Kranhaus-Projekt

The crane room project is proposed through a double strategy concerning the reuse of crane mechanisms.
The first element of this strategy follows the rational of moving rooms: the bus hotel, the floating room are part of a vast research about a nomadic housing, reinterpreting existing old vehicles or mechanical particles of an early past.
The second element proposes an installation of the crane mechanisms. The installation challenges the idea of another narration : it has to do with the apocalyptic mythology of the end of water. A desalination unit is the only technology needed to create sweet water out of the sea. The crane rooms are proposed here as forming a possible complex by the main source of the future’s water; in the same time the complex of founded crane rooms allows the preservation of the individual shell and the creation of a landscape out of it. The project is also proposed as a comment about the Internet society, depicting in an landscape project something strangely familiar: a concrete image of this abstract social condition that humanity experiences for the first time in its history: the crane rooms landscape is a well known image. We live in such a landscape even if this same landscape seems so exotic; inhabiting a hypnotic „control panel – cell“ the inhabitant of the globe can also be conceived as an inhabitant of a small restricted universe. Through this conception of a distorted social constitution, the crane room ensemble is related to older projects such as the no wall house, the open air housing, the night shelters, the concrete beds or the RealFake house 2.
In these design works, designing is less important than the architecture of the narrative construction; the reuse of existing structures is usually important. An archeology of existing elementary technology and the reinterpretation of it in unexpected ways are crucial within the design process. Designing in some of the examples is a curatorial project that orchestrates existing things.

For this particular project simple concrete foundations and elementary water pools are proposed to be installed in non hospitable beaches or arid hills nearby the sea. The room units form independent cells, they can be covered by tissues during the day; they provide a quality connection to the Internet. The private or public character of each room is regulated by the chosen high of every unit. The high control system is located inside every room. Platforms go up and down following the will of every provisional inhabitant. A bigger screen, related to the bed, serves as a home cinema structure; a small office, a wardrobe and a shower are placed in the same moving platform. A common underground kitchen serves the needs of all the complex; a reverse osmosis desalination plant provides drinkable water to the invisible kitchen and to the units (the water pipes follow the length of the crane).
An identical design for „crane rooms“ can be undertaken within a system of moving vehicles in order to form a dispersed, moving „crane room hotel“. Rooms moving up and down provide summer shelters with changing views.

Emm. Benaki 118
Athens, 11473
tel. 0030 2103300323
E-Mail: ANTONAS.office@gmail.com

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