Dieses Mal habe ich einen Kollegen aus Guatemala zum Interview eingeladen. Juan Lacape war so nett und hat mir auf meine 11 Fragen offen geantwortet. Lest selber, warum im Architektur als Begriff zu eng gefasst ist.
Mr. Lacape, before we begin with the interview, please introduce yourself briefly.
Owner of a young design practice currently focusing on Central America. We develop 50% of our work and the rest we design for other clients. Love detail and thus love to design small scale and furniture.
Welches war Ihre erste Anstellung nach dem Studium?
Pool design and supervision (actually before graduating)
Warum sollte ein Bauherr auf jeden Fall mit einem Architekten zusammenarbeiten?
Architects are able to translate desires and needs to an architectural solution and can often times understand what the client needs or wants better than himself.
Wie würden Sie ihren architektonischen Stil beschreiben?
Modern, contemporary, creative.
Welches Buch oder welchen Film habe Sie zuletzt gelesen bzw. gesehen?
S, M, L, XL
[amazon box=“1885254865″/]
Wer sind Ihre Vorbilder und warum?
Current young architects from Chile such as Assadi for they are already working at a very good level despite age.
Ist der Bauherr König, oder muss ein Bauherr durch einen erfahrenen Architekten zu seinem Glück geführt werden?
Definitely should be guided, that is precisely what he is hiring you for…
Welcher Bereich im Architekturstudium hat Sie für Ihr Berufsleben am Besten vorbereitet?
Supervised practice (intership) during school
Von Paul Valery stammt der Ausdruck „Architektur ist Stein gewordene Musik“. Was uns zu der Frage bringt, welche Musik Sie zurzeit gerne hören?
Brazilian electronic
Welches Gebäude hätten Sie gerne entworfen und warum?
A subway system, we don’t have one in our country, but the idea of designing all aspects of it (lighting, furniture, stations, etc.) would be very exciting. It can help develop a city’s character.
Architektur ist … ?
…too limited a term. I prefer DESIGN.
Welche Frage würden Sie welcher Person gerne stellen?
Don’t have any burning questions as of now.
I am glad to have you as a non-German-speaking architect on my magazine. So, I take the opportunity to ask you a few more questions interesting for me and others. How to become an architect in Guatemala?
My country is not as regulated, but there is always the bureaucratic to deal with. I would recommend any foreigner to develop a collaboration with a local, probably easier.
In Germany, you have to be a member of the architectural chamber to call yourself an architect. Is there any comparable in your country?
Yes. You are legally bound to be a member, however there are workarounds.
What about the current market situation in your place?
What about the current market situation in your place?
The work we develop is steady. Work for other clients has gone down.
Are there any special architectural conditions in Guatemala?
Seismic, third world, very rainy, sub tropical climate
Thank you Mr Lacape.

Dipl.-Ing. Juan Lacape
24 calle 10-02 z 14
01014 Guatemala, Guatemala
(502) 23630466