
The Distinctiveness of Cities

Im Juni diesen Jahres findet eine interessante, internationale Konferenz mit dem Titel “The Distinctiveness of Cities | Modes of Re-Production” an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt statt. Vom 15. bis 17.06.2011 finden zahlreiche Keynotes und Panels rund um das Thema statt.

Die Kosten für die Konferenz belaufen sich auf 110€. Wissenschaftliche Assistenten zahlen 50€, Studenten 25€.

Keynote lectures by Helmuth Berking, Friedrich Lenger, Sujata Patel and Kurt W. Foster. Film
and Talk with Ulrike Ottinger. Panels on space, power, body, infrastructure, knowledge and
heritage with Phil Hubbard, Fran Tonkiss, Trutz von Trotha, Loïc Wacquant, Stephen Graham,
Olivier Coutard, Ulf Matthiesen, Brenda S.A. Yeoh and many more.

Venice is different from London and in Mumbai we will expect to have radically other experiences than
in Paris. The simple mentioning of city names calls up mental images in us, positive or negative, exotic
or banal. Cities appear to be dynamic or progressive, cosmopolitan or sentimental, but what is the
origin of such images and associations?

The question of the international conference “The Distinctiveness of Cities | Modes of Re-Production”
is the intrinsic logic of cities. Six thematic fields will serve to structure the approach taken to these
questions at the conference on “The Distinctiveness of Cities | Modes of Reproduction”: Body, Space,
Power, Infrastructure, Knowledge and Heritage.

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  1. (@archimag) (@archimag) sagt:

    have u seen this: : The Distinctiveness of Cities #archi

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