
Wie wird 2010? Wettbewerb für arbeitslose Architekten

Architecture 5 cent

Die Internetplatform “Architecture Revolution” hat einen Wettbewerb für arbeitslose ArchitektInnen ausgerufen.

Unemployed Architect?? surviving with a temporary job in MacDonalds or Starbucks or simply scratching yourself at home?? Never before have so many unemployed architects been infiltrating other industries to finance a living. Never before has there been the opportunity for so many architectural eyes to evaluate the efficiency of the design of the industry.If you find that you are flippin´ burgers then stop to re-assess the design…why not place cows in the car park or chickens on the roof of a KFC??

Perhaps the next time on your trip to the benefits office you have a look at the city transport system where you live and improve its efficiency or even re-evaluate where your toilet faeces end up after you drop a bomb at homeThe competition is to re-design or create a new design of a system which can be integrated within a building or city. There are no limits on ideas, however, the process must be thought through from start to finish with an element of practicality

Einsendeschluß ist der 28. Februar 2010, das Preisgeld beträgt 100 Euro. Mehr Informationen auf unter Competition.


Frohes neues Jahr ;)

4.033 mal gelesen.


Ich bin Architekt und seit 2009 veröffentliche ich Wenn Ihr Wünsche oder Anregungen habt, dann her damit. Ich freue mich über Eurer Feedback.

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