Das heutige Interview will beweisen, dass es in Schottland nicht nur Scotch und Schottenröcke gibt, sondern auch coole Architekten. Steigen wir also sofort in das Interview ein und stellen unsere Fragen an Jon-Marc Creaney.
Mr Creaney, before we begin with the interview, please introduce yourself in 3-4 sentences briefly.
_Jon-Marc Creaney [jmc]: I am a 38 year old architect and manage an architectural practice based in Central Scotland. I am interested in music, art, graphics, travelling and climbing.
I have a blog at www.scarpadog.wordpress.com talking generally about design related issues and anything else I find interesting happening around me.
Question 1: What was your first job after graduating?
_jmc: I worked in Local Authority Design Department as a Trainee while studying part-time at the Mackintosh School of Art. This provided me with a wealth of hands on experience in many different project types while learning constantly about design through my studies.
Question 2: Why should clients in any case work together with an architect?
_jmc: I can almost always tell from a first meeting with a client if we are going to work well together. It is important to have similar goals and aspirations for projects.
Buildings become an integral part of our environment and it is important that their impact aesthetically, functionally and environmentally is carefully considered in the design process. The engagement of a good architect should ensure this..
Question 3: How would you describe your architectural style?
_jmc: Our architectural style is responsive to context, not just physical context, but social, economic and cultural context. We currently have three projects with exactly the same brief. Fundamentally the floor plans function in the same way, however, each building is unrecognisable from the next due to the different type of areas and surroundings in which they are set, one suburban, one urban and one within a conservation village.
As we build more, I feel an identifiable style may evolve without us actually realising.
Question 4: Which book or film has impressed you in the last time?
_jmc: I particularly liked The Coen brothers ‚No Country for Old Men‘
Question 5: Who are your role models and why?
_jmc: After a visit to Barcelona in 1993 and a visit to Igualada cemetry along with Enric Miralles I was immediately drawn to his work. He was an amazing architect and spoke elequently and passionately about his work and I am proud of the building he produced as our parliament.
The buildings of Gillespie Kidd and Coia have had a big influence on me, having been surrounded by them throughout my life and having been taught by Professor Andy MacMillan and Isi Metzstein at Art School.
Question 6: Is the client king or should he be guided to his luck by an architect?
_jmc: The relationship between architect and client should be seen more as a partnership and they should be consulted throughout the design process in order that they fully understand the thinking and logic of how the deign of the building evolves.
Ultimately the client pays the fees though!
Question 7: Which subject in course of studies best prepared you for your profession?
_jmc: The ‚crit‘ process I would say prepared me best for the profession. It seems a cruel and harsh process at times however it reflects many a real life presentation to clients and the open nature of this process encourages students to push themselves to acheive the best they can.
The best thing a tutor (Fred Smith) said to me once was ‚Why?‘ when I commented that I liked a certain building. I had never really thought enough about why I liked certain things, I just did. It helped me understand more about how to design and the thought processes involved.
Question 8: From Paul Valéry comes the term „architecture is music made in stone.“ What referees to the question, what music you’re currently happy to hear?
_jmc: Music is one of my favourite things, especially live music. Sigur Ros, The Arcade Fire, Ulrich Schnauss, Joy Division, Pixies, Chemical Brothers to name only a very few.
Question 9: Which building would you like to design and why?
_jmc: The new building for Glasgow School of Art. Having studied there and being such an important building next to Mackintosh’s masterpiece in my home city it would be the ultimate project. I would also like to design a weekend retreat for myself overlooking the West Coast of Scotland.
Question 10: Architecture is … ?
_jmc: …difficult but hugely rewarding
And finally, question 11: What question would you like to ask and whom?
_jmc: I would like to ask Louis Kahn about the Salk Institute and just listen and learn
I am glad to have you as an non-german speaking architect on my magazine. So I take the opportunity to ask you a few more questions interesting for me and others. How to become an architect in Britain?
_jmc: There are various routes to becoming an Architect in Britain. I studied part-time for a Bachelor of Architecture Degree and a Diploma in Architecture which took 7 years! This is a link to the Royal Institute of British Architects guide to becoming an Architect http://tiny.cc/toUzr
In germany you have to be a member of the architectural chamber to call yourself an architect. Is there any comparable in your country?
_jmc: Architects have to be registered with the Architects Registration Board http://www.arb.org.uk/
What about the current market situation in your place?
_jmc: The residential market has temporarily disappeared a sector we have not been involved with to any great extent. We are continuing to be involved in community based projects however we fear funding for these type projects will be scarcer over the next few years.
Are there any special architectual conditions in Scotland?
_jmc: I am of the opinion that there is a wealth of talent within Scotland but there is still not enough quality architecture in comparison to a lot of European Countries. There are many reasons for this which would require a few pages of writing however I would like to see smaller practices given the chance of designing building such as schools which they are generally unable to even be considered for due to the selection and procurement processes involved.
Thank you Mr Creaney.
B.Arch Dip.Arch Jon-Marc Creaney
Calder Street
Coatbridge, ML5 4EY, Scotland
Phone: 441236441133